Saturday, September 28, 2013

Pow Wow


Alison's Pow Wow Pattern is the cutest thing ever ever ever.

We found the perfect fabric (to match the pattern) at Hancock. Love that place.

Have you seen the Briar Rose fabric line? We loosely based our color scheme off of it. And we bought all floral prints to keep the vintage vibe going.

We started making this quilt at 10:00 at night. And realized that zombies can't sew :) In the morning we realized that we had sewn all the blocks wrong. Suffice it to say that we ended up making our blocks 1" smaller than planned. We shouldn't sew at night anymore. Even though we still do :)

So our quilt ended up on the small side. Some baby is going to love it...(you can buy it here)

The lighting on the picture above is a little crazy, but it shows off the crinkly goodness. The machine quilting is the best part of this quilt.

We machine quilted the flowers on our own home machines using  Oh Fransson's machine quilting tutorial. We are smittten. 

 This might win the most-favorite quilt contest. Along with the last 50 quilts we've made.

The backing is a vintage yellow sheet which doesn't really match the front of the quilt, but brightens it up. The best part of quilting is that everything doesn't have to match perfectly. Who knew right?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Fall Finish

We got this baby done last weekend. Don't get too excited...we do know how to use a sewing machine :)


 Fall is in the air...we could hardly control the quilt with the wind blowing.

So we snapped a few more photos inside where there is no wind. But no pretty wildflowers:

A very quick tutorial for the quilt can be found here

It's in the shop if you are looking for it ;) We knew you were. 

A vintage stripe sheet for a binding. It's time to go vintage sheet shopping again. Hip. Hip. Hooray!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What's New (Besides Nothing)...

We're rocking our red scissors cutting strings all day.

 And we chose our next machine quilting are new.

Plus a stack of fabric with a gold and purple. Which equals a new color combo, and love affair with fabric. As always.

 And a deliciously stripey binding.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Equilateral Triangle Quilt Tutorial

This is a tutorial for an easy Equilateral Triangle Quilt, with triangles cut using a rotary cutter. No template required. Finished quilt is a crib size, measuring approximately 40" x 60".

For this quilt you will need:
8- 1/4 yard prints
1/2 yard white fabric

1. Cut all of your 1/4 yard prints into perfect 9'' strips. (1/4 yards aren't cut evenly when you buy them). Cut 2- 9'' strips from the white fabric.

2. Line up your 60 degree line on your ruler with the top of your 9 inch strip as shown above. (The top left side of the picture is cut off, but line up the point of your ruler with the point of your fabric.) Cut with your rotary cutter, as indicated by the red dash lines.

3. Line up your 60 degree line along the line you just barely cut. Now cut as indicated by the red dash line above.

4. Each 1/4 yard printed fabric strip should yield 7 equilateral triangles. Repeat for all 8- 1/4 yds until you have a total of 56 colored triangles. The white fabric will yield 14 white triangles. This quilt requires 70 total triangles.

5. Layout your triangles in 7 rows of 10 triangles each. Sew together. Be careful when sewing to match the triangle points together. Square up the edges if desired.

State Fair

 Yesterday we went to the State Fair. We entered 2 of our quilts in to be displayed. The one pictured above is our Sophie Quilt.

Fairs are the best. Especially the funnel cake and cinnamon roasted pecans. Seriously, the $7 entry fee is worth it just to eat the food :) The rest of the fun is just a perk. A really big perk.

We have another quilt top done. That makes five in the last week. Basting here we come.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Triangle Top

On Labor Day, we popped into Hancock’s for their sale, and bought a cartload of fabric. Too bad for all those people waiting in the long line behind us :) We got a little carried away.


With our fabric diet ruined, and a jumbo equilateral triangle quilt in mind, we walked home as two very happy campers.

 Psst! By the way, watch for a tutorial post for this quilt in the upcoming week!

Still debating whether or not to square up the edges.  Any thoughts?

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Welcome to the quilt closet. The CLEAN quilt closet. We'll spare you the "before" was pretty bad. Just thought we'd share some organizational tips on quilt stuff.

Okay, first off, this has nothing to do with practical, and everything to do with scrumptious decorating. A mason jar full of thread. Seriously, the best use of a mason jar yet.

We save all of our large batting scraps to reuse them (see how here), and we have no place to store them. This was the hardest part of organization, but a plastic bucket did the trick. We're very clever ;)

The fabric cabinet is the best part. Sorry for no close-ups, it's been rainy and the lighting has been dark. We organized our fabric by color and neatly folded it in stacks on our shelves. Plus there's plenty of space for more!

We found this scrappy deliciousness tucked away. A pre-blog quilt that is cute, but very beginner. v.e.r.y.