Saturday, October 18, 2014

This Corner of the World

It's been crazy busy in this corner of the world for the past months. Not complaining one bit. No siree. Also, we can't count on both hands the number of attempted blog posts: the kind you start to write and don't publish. Fun fact for the day: sometimes blog posts don't make the cut if the pictures and/or content aren't up to par.

We apologize for being gone so long...sometimes it is just nice to take a little-bitty break from blogging to catch up on some of our projects (and to catch our breathes for that matter!). We've been taking advantage and doing a little quilting. Our waning stack of UN-finished projects thanks us!

In an attempt to make this the longest blog post in the history of the world (Quackadoodle Quilt typed sarcastically), we will add a few pictures.

A sneak peak of a finished quilt and some fabric we have been playing with:

A look into our empty Etsy shop...gasp!...

Don't panic, we'll get right on that. Today, in fact!

What else is happening in this corner of the world? Hmm. A few million things. A few custom orders. A few quilts. A few trips to the fabric store. A few trips to the thrift store.

On second thought, change all those "A few"s to "A lot of"s. Thanks :)

We will keep you posted on all of our sewing adventures. So stay tuned!

Catch you later...there is a custom order quilt that we HAVE to finish within the week. This is a tough (more sarcasm) life we lead ;) ;) ;) Or simply a life involving a little procrastination. Look at it either way :)