Thursday, November 27, 2014


We've caught the grateful bug over here. It's contagious so we thought we would spread it today! We are thankful for quilting and quilting and more quilting. And family and pie and stuffing and snow and Thanksgiving and all the little things. (We'll spare you the rest of the list.)

All the little things EXCEPT the little triangles up there ^^ See that "59" up there? Times that by 10000000000000 and that's how many baby triangle friends we have.

Anyone ready for another slice of pie? Adios. That's where we're headed :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Hola. Just wanted to give two thumbs up to this cute tutorial. D.I.Y. projects are the best...and even better when they aren't Pinterest fails or aren't too difficult---yeah, that too :) Anyone else think it's weird that "Pinterest" must be spell-checked every time you type it? Maybe it's just us.

Wait for it...a wrinkly picture of the whole (over-sized) sweatshirt! 
Red Sweatshirt: $2 thrift store find
Fabric Paint: Michael's
 Looks like Black Friday came early this year. 

And we couldn't resist tying a bow around our fabric store makes us feel as if we have made our own fabric line (Just go with it.)

Imagination is a good thing...and we are pretty darn good at matching prints, don'tcha think? ;) :)

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Show and Tell

We'd like to take you on a trip back to first grade: show and tell! Nothing says "Show and Tell" like a quilt.

This fall we have had quilt projects growing out of our ears and now, out of the blue, all of our projects are getting wrapped up. That's what happens when you use a sewing machine :)

If you have a sweet little one and would like to purchase this quilt, you can head on over to our Etsy shop and add it to your cart. We dare you. No. We triple dirty dog dare you. (That's another reference to first grade)

Since we're on the subject, DIRTY is the word to describe the woods that yours truly ventured into to get the "SHOW" part of this post. Now for the "TELLING" part:

Binding: Striped vintage thrift find
Dimensions: 41" x 51"
Pattern: Swell by Camille Roskellley in her book Simply Retro
Machine Quilting: Loopdy loop...p-r-e-d-i-c-t-a-b-l-e
Number of people it took to finish it: 2
Number of different fabric prints in the quilt: 56?ish
On a scale of one to ten how much we love it: 11.86

Friday, November 7, 2014


 Two quilters-let's not mention any names- decided to conquer another custom order quilt.  Eeek.

We had so much fun making this quilt all come together! Forget quilting...wanna know what new skill we are trying to master? Color naming. That's right. Can anyone differentiate between aqua and mint and teal and baby blue and turquoise and emerald and jade and seafoam green and...yeah. The trickiest part of this quilt was getting the solids just right.  

Let's not even try to name the backing fabric color :) It is Kona Ice Frappe and adds a soft tone to the quilt.

We made a full size quilt for a cute little girl's bed. It's so much fun to make quilts for someone all the way across the nation!

And it's so much fun to be back at the whole blogging thing.

Monday, November 3, 2014

In Lieu of Waiting

So the original plan was to make this post about our latest quilt (can't wait!) but instead we reverted to Plan B...a post about some doings in lieu of waiting for the camera to cooperate. The camera is getting the stink eye for this one: the battery is dead. Waiting for a battery to charge is too much to handle on a Monday afternoon :)

And on a more important note: ordering fabric online should be a big no-no. We were playing the matching game where you match solid color fabrics online with the solids in a quilt and we ended up with different shades than pictured online. That's never happened before. It's a fair guess that we will never learn :)

In this picture the solids match perfectly. But in real life, man, these solids are far from perfect. Bummer.

P.S. Does anyone else see paint chips when they see that picture?