It's that time of year again...can you believe it? 2013 has come and gone. Just like that. It was fun to look through all the quilt pictures, we've sure been busy this year. Thanks again to all you wonderful friends that follow our blog and make this a happy space! Have a Happy New Year!
Anna and Sarah
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
Hi everybody! Since there is not one, but TWO scatterbrains over here we haven't been to this blog space in forever. We have been quilting though. Imagine that :)
For Christmas we got Wallflowers by Allison Harris for Windham Fabrics. And we are totally freaking out.We love the saturated colors and country feel. Any ideas for what quilt pattern we should use? We have to be 100% sure before we cut up this cutie stack. Or we'll be hating life.
We finished a little baby quilt top with scraps from this quilt. All it needs is a little love...aka ironing.
Speaking of ironing, here's another wrinkly quilt block ;) There are eight more just like it. Puhleesee.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Irish Chain Quilts
A few months back, we cut this
fabric into 4.5” squares and made a whole lotta 9 patches:
So many, in fact, that
when sewn together it was a KING SIZED quilt. Since quilting that large of a
quilt sounds like no fun, we unpicked that quilt into two smaller quilts, each
measuring 57” x 66”.
The machine
quilting was simple: swirly loops for both.
The quilts are not exactly
identical, but would make a cute pair.
Irish chain quilts are very traditional, and it
was fun to use modern fabrics to mix things up a bit. So there you go. Two
matching quilts.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Big Zig
With all the busyness going on we still squeezed in finishing this quilt top. There is always time to make a quilt.We have two more to show ya, but we can't give away all our secrets ;)
The wiggly machine quilting flew by (almost too fast!) on this small quilt. The finished size measures 31" x 36", post-wash.
For those with little ones who want a baby can find this for sale on Etsy.
Bring on the Holiday sewing!!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Once upon a time we went Black Friday shopping at JoAnns. The end. Which explains the 16 yards of fabric.
(Don't look too frightened.) Yes, we waited in long lines with a bunch of crazies...but at $1.90 a yard, we could deal with the holiday madness. Barely. Bet you can't top that story :)
Plus we found the perfect color for binding. Hey, who could resist a fabric called "Raspberry Anna"? Wink. Wink.
To add to our sewing madness, we are playing with fabric. So many choices....
Eerrrmm...there are even strings on blocks we've had tucked away forever. That's embarrassing. It just adds to the craziness :)
Friday, November 29, 2013
Chevron Top
The best way to spend Thanksgiving is sewing ;) Last week we scored these pre-Black Friday fabrics for 50% off the original price! Christmas came early this year :)
A few months back we pinned this quilt on Pinterest and last night we finished sewing all 15 blocks. It's the quickest quilt we've made in a while.
We love the jumbo sized blocks. Bigger is better. Especially chevron blocks made with chevron fabric.
The finished quilt top is roughly 36" x 40" which is perfect for a baby. Now to choose between sewing some more, or eating some more pie ;) Decisions. Decisions.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Scrappy, ragged, raw edge goodness. That's a tall order. But not too tough...
Rag quilts are super easy to piece together, but it's cutting all those pesky seams that can drive you crazy.
We made this rag quilt to use up fabric scraps and batting scraps. But, we'd take a "true" quilt over a rag quilt (just about) any day. Hands down.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Shipping, Cutting, Fixing
Shipping, cutting, fixing craziness over here. Pretty much sums it up.
*The Gingham Christmas quilt was shipped*
*A new quilt was cut*
*Aaaaaaaaaand.... our sewing machines have been in time-out all week*
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Dilly Dally
We figured you wouldn't mind having two blog posts in one week. It is a little bit of a shocker, we know. But... it's the newest addition to our shop. What are we supposed to do? ;)
The pattern is Dilly Dally by Thimble Blossoms. We opted out of the border and made the blocks a little smaller in order to use the fabric we had on hand.
Dogwood Machine Quilting? Count us in! Not only does it look professional, but it is easy. (Shh! Don't tell anyone.)
The colors go well together: blues and greens with a smattering of red.
Off to more sewing-room-adventures we go!
Monday, November 11, 2013
A stack of squares from Sunday night sewing. Try saying that 5 times in a row. We dare you!
Aaaaaaaand we scored Simply Retro for $10 at JoAnn's. Camille's book is marvelous.
Plus we cut 130- 8" batting squares for a rag quilt. It's been a while and we are itching to sew the batting scraps into a quilt.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Red Gingham Christmas Quilt
Since Christmas is only 52 days away (but who's counting?) we decided to make a gingham holiday quilt to list in our shop.
Light red fabric is realllllly had to find because pink is the "light red" these days. We ordered chambray online and the color turned out perfect. It's 97% cotton and the 3% spandex. The stretchiness in the spandex gave us a little trouble during machine quilting. Should've known! All in all the chambray fabric gets a thumbs up.
We used our walking foot to sew "X's" in each of the 4" squares. It adds some variety to the solid white backing.
The quilt is a lap size finishing up at about 58" x 66" ish inches. Give or take a few inches.
Now who's ready for the holidays? Cause right about now we're ready to snuggle up in a quilt by the fireplace :)
P.S. There are some great ideas over at the Craft-O-Maniac linky party.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Vintage Granny
Here's the finished quilt we promised. Granny squares quilt top: Check.
Stippling this was a beast. But worth all the grumbling. Because, drumroll please, the quilt got a vintage crinkle:
One of the things people forget to tell you is that twin size quilts are impossible to take pictures of. Machine quilting? No problem. A picture? Heck no. Here's most of the quilt, which measures a hearty 61" x 78":
-You can find this quilt for sale on Etsy-
The binding is a fun granny smith apple (??) green. Get it? Yeah, we're trying too hard.
Anyhoo, the binding was a nice way to finish off this little lady.
Goodbye vintage. Hello modern:
Gotta run ;)